Christ Between Us

Jessie Shier, ©️

Copyrighted content. It’s part of the book Love and Lift in the Empower Soul series.

When Christ comes knocking…

There is a special relationship that, at some point across eternity, a soul will be offered.

There is a purpose to this relationship that is spiritual. It allows you to come back to your relationship with God. It represents unconditional love. It will expand your heart.

This love will set you free. Able to express who you are.

Love will show you truth. How you respond is up to you.

Refusal means not entering the kingdom. Because you are refusing yourself.

Christ said: ‘the only way back to the Father is through me’. The Father is the most high, the father of light, the creator. There are masculine and feminine energies and they need to be harmonised to work together. Here, we are in duality and those poles are separated. It’s necessary to try to accept the energies within us. That special relationship will highlight the misuse of these energies, requiring inner work.

Refusing the relationship means they will continue living in the world. Taking it does, too, but as part of God’s kingdom, which is a kingdom of true love. The experience gives you miracles. But it can be hard to stay there. When we live in the world, it can be hard to reconcile the two different feelings – love, and the harshness and baseness of the world. It can easily tear the love relationship apart. Perhaps the persons in the relationship won’t be able to handle the responsibility and may allow worldly concerns to interfere, or will feel that they aren’t ready. Such a relationship wants to be prioritised and recognised, not hidden or pushed back. Lies and a lack of self-honesty or integrity will strain the trust. These kinds of challenges can strain your faith. These are tests.

Real love is not the usual idea of what love is. God’s kingdom isn’t a place where everything is perfect according to human ideas. It is a place of pure love, where miracles happen because of love. And real love is not soft. It is not easy. It is a pure, powerful force. Love and hate are two sides of the same one coin. Love’s power is immense. Some souls run away from it.

In that moment it may seem easier to deny it, than to leave everything they thought they knew… or face what they feel not ready for.

Choices are made. You can’t force someone to be that one. You have to be ready according to spiritual parameteres, not necessarily according to what you think. Christ may knock when you think you aren’t ready, but spritually you are.

Hence, when Christ comes knocking, it can be via true love. Because Christ is love because God is love.

That true love won’t necessarily include a romantic relationship, even if the connection includes romantic feelings. It is highly unlikely it will be that sort of romantic fairytale because of the reason for the connection appearing in your life; soulmate connections and true love connections appear when you need a smack. When there’s something you need to be doing and you aren’t, or when you are stuck emotionally and spiritually and need a helping hand. When there’s something you need to ‘see’ and they have come to show you the revelation that will let you take another step forward.

That love may not ever be or remain as a relationship. It’ll be what it needs to be and the situation is guided. The connection is the way and the path is long. Choices are made every step. It is a life-changing relationship that takes you leaps and bounds forwards in your spiritual evolution.

The energetic connection is the experience, and that remains once established as long as it needs to. That energy is Love. Even if a person chooses to follow Christ when they are called, they may still find that there is no relationship. And that is because that’s not the purpose. It will strip you and make you true to yourself. The connection and the choice are spiritual. They may also find that they want to break free.

Just as divine justice doesn’t look like human justice, what is best for us may look different to what we envisage for ourselves. Our view is somewhat small, but our souls are vast.

So, that true love won’t necessarily be what you expect or turn out as you’d like. True love will crucify you. Your faith will be challenged. Things can become very dark and it appears that you can’t see the truth anymore. Maybe you don’t even want it anymore.

Often, the root of running away from it is a feeling of not being good enough.

As everything you thought you knew is stripped away from you, as you move for an endless time through confusing, frustrating fog, it seems that the last thing you want now, is that one you knew with whom you had true love.

It can also seem that nothing you do in life amounts to anything, and you cannot see an answer to any of your unending problems.

This is the stripping, and it will eventually reveal the most true, authentic you. It will be severe.

Many humans lean on external things; physical strength and beauty, relationships, beliefs… it seems these things are substantial because they exist. It seems this way because such people can’t see the truth.

The truth is – the truth is love.

God is love. Christ is love.
That’s it.

We make our choices. We can’t know when it’ll come, and it’ll be a surprise. Maybe the person will be unacceptable to you, and that’s the nature of love – to challenge your biases and beliefs, offering you the opportunity to shake them off and find out the truth of love.

If you have been chosen and forgiven, accepted back, then when you’re spiritually ready, you may be offered the choice. What an honour! And if you choose to go with Christ there, you will be put through the threshing.

It is necessary to climb to a place of internal self-development first. Those Christ-like traits that are demonstrated throughout the story of Jesus: tolerance, total lack of prejudice, compassion, humility. These traits emerge from soul; they are ineffective when forced or faked.

This is a matter governed by the creator.

There are no rules. Just one choice. Love, or the world.

Can true love sustain in the physical world? It seems everything in this world is against its being sustained. Such forces break down the will. Love is harder to believe in unless you’ve felt its power. Without the experience of it, it is easy to reason and come to conclusions about what love is.

Love is powerful. It will crush false beliefs. Like an egg shell. That is its aim and its purpose. Not a human relationship.

Shown a mirror of who your soul-self is, and then the life and the ideals and things you leaned on are smashed and for a long time all you can see is smashed mirror. No one else is there. You wonder if you will ever be any different to this pile of broken glass.

If love has come to you, if Christ has knocked on your heart, then you better prepare to have your core transformed, for the better.

What will you become after?

Love wont give you anything. You already are. Love will set you free. You will be you. God will accept nothing less.

Infinite soul, infinite love. JShier ©️

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